About us

At ‘Pj-foodie’ , we’re tied in with presenting crisp food, regardless of whether it implies going the additional mile. When you stroll through our entryways, we do what we can to make everybody feel comfortable in light of the fact that our family stretches out through your locale.

‘Pj-foodie’ is an organization that is continually developing. From the principal eatery in 1969, we’ve kept on extending’ vision to help other individuals end up effective entrepreneurs by owning an ‘Organization Name’ establishment. We search for franchisees who are focused on quality, not compromising.

Today, we can be found in numerous nations and have our sights on extending much more. Be that as it may, regardless of where you discover us, quality will dependably be our formula.

We Believe in Quality. All around. Quality food can’t be made without quality initiative. Find out about the general population driving The ‘Pj-foodie’ .

“We ought to be about something beyond moving chicken. We ought to be a piece of our clients’ lives and the networks in which we serve.” Our originator, settled on the choice to close on Sundays in 1946 when he opened his first eatery in Hapeville, Georgia. Having worked seven days seven days in eateries open 24 hours, Truett saw the significance of shutting on Sundays with the goal that he and his representatives could set aside one day to rest and love whether they pick – a training we maintain today.

Building up a positive heritage in our very own lawn We’re glad for our Georgia legacy, and all the more explicitly that we consider Atlanta the place where we grew up. Our central command, referred to inside the organization as the Support Center for eatery Operators, is found only outside of downtown. We are accomplices with the more prominent Atlanta business network in generous undertakings, attempting to animate the neighborhood economy through employment creation, just as driving stewardship activities planned to leave Georgia superior to anything we discovered it

Our Team


